“Fight, Fight, Fight” Families are central to God’s plan for man.

“Fight, Fight, Fight” Families are central to God’s plan for man.


Nem. 4:14 "...do not be afraid...fight"

“Fight, Fight, Fight” Families are central to God’s plan for man.

There is nothing new under the sun (Eccl. 1:9). Families are central to God’s plan for man and have always been the target of the enemy.  The Bible tells us this in the very beginning (Genesis 1:27-28 God’s first blessing was on the family).  It also tells us that the serpent’s (=the devil) plan was to destroy the family unit. Satan has waged a vicious attack on today’s youth.  At public schools transgender, critical race theory, sexual immorality, and false narratives of this nation’s history are being taught.  At the university campuses, anti-Israeli narratives are igniting riots and violence targeting Jewish students.  Other hate groups are openly engaging in hostility towards anyone who has a different perspective which includes university officials opposing the freedom of speech.   As Christians we must confront this satanic attack on our youth and “…fight for your brethren, your sons, your daughters, your wives, and your houses.”- Nehemiah 4:14.  2Corinthians 2:11 says that “lest Satan should take advantage of us, for we are not ignorant of his devices”.  To deal with this assault on our youth we need to know our enemy and stand against the enemy with the whole armor of God- Ephesians 6:10-18.

Satan’s Strategy 1: Indoctrination Through the Education System

Regarding Satan’s strategy against, families which are central to God’s plan for man, especially the youth there is no clearer picture than Daniel 1.   According to these Scriptures there are 3 progressive stages how Satan attacks youth.  First, he begins by indoctrinating them in the world view using language and literature to capture their hearts and minds.  Daniel 1:4-5 states “..whom they might teach the language and literature of the Chaldeans…and three years of training for them, so that at the end of that time they might serve before the king.”  Children are being taught the language of the world; terms such as marriage, race, freedom, gender, etc. are all being redefined.  The textbooks are being rewritten to resemble the politically correct ideologies that are prevalent in our society today.  Most children will spend at least 12 years in the educational system immersed in humanistic ways and thinking the end result being to serve the “god of this age” (2Corinthians 4:4).

Satan’s Strategy 2: Change the Identity

Confusion sets in for anyone who has no Biblical foundation of  God’s plan for man. Thus, youth are left purposeless and vulnerable to the next stage- identity change.  In this state, it is very easy for their personal identities to be hijacked and molded by the world into anything they (“educators”) want them to be.  This is perfectly illustrated in Dan. 1:7.    The Hebrew names- Daniel, Hananiah, Meshael, and Azariah, and their definitions glorified the Lord God.  The Babylonian names- Belteshazzar, Shadrach, Meschach and Abed-Nego and their definitions glorified the false gods.   Today their identities are hijacked through the ideas of evolution, homosexuality, transgenderism, and racism.  This has caused great havoc in families spilling over into the culture and society we live in.

Satan’s Strategy 3: Change the Diet

Finally the “diet” of the youth is changed, as illustrated in Dan. 1:5, 8.  They were offered a different diet (king’s delicacies) but they refused because they knew families are central to God’s plan for man.   These delicacies represent the “lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh, and the pride of life.” (1John 2:16).  Many youth today crave and are obsessed with entertainment, sports, social media, sex, drugs, alcohol, etc.  If not dealt with these lusts will result in addictions which will produce bondage.

The Role of the Parents:

It is vital that youth know that their real identity is centered on who the Father is and who they are in Jesus Christ.  The youth must know that in Christ, they are the sons and daughters of God, heirs of God and joint- heirs with Jesus Christ (Rom. 8:14-17)  They must “flee also youthful lusts and pursue righteousness, faith love, peace…..” (2Tim. 2:22).  Finally, education must begin at home.   In Deut. 6:7 it says – “You shall teach them (Biblical truth) diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house……” Parents must take this responsibility to heart and not depend on the church or the schools to do this for them.  They are preparing the future leaders (1Kings 9:19) of this nation to fight the good fight of faith (1Timothy 6:12) for freedom and righteousness.   Thus parents must know that families are central to God’s plan for man so that they can be the example for their children to “fight, fight, fight.”


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