About Us

Ask Jesus Now (AJN) for all your needs including salvation, deliverance, provision, protection. It is a loud, silent, stirring voice that reaches deep into the inner man. We pray it is an instrument of hope and peace for you. As you browse through the website, please share with us your comments and prayer requests.
The primary purpose is to lift up the name of Jesus (John 3:14-15).
The billboards provide a 30 or 60- second window of opportunity to communicate the message that can be read quickly as people are driving. The logo and colors are designed to ensure the simplicity of the message.
We accepts free-will contributions. We do not sell any product or merchandise.
The vision is to lift up the name of Jesus for the lost, the wounded, and the backslidden. It is a constant reminder to the Christian community to ask, seek, and trust Jesus in all things.
The mission is to saturate the community with the Ask Jesus Now message through various public campaigns where the mission field is to the lost, the wounded and the backslidden.
The history began in Albuquerque, NM in 2002 with five billboards placed in strategic locations. Free printed materials were distributed throughout the community. In 2005 the offices relocated to Texas.
To contact us: Ask Jesus Now Ministry P.O. Box 9201, The Woodlands, TX 77387